University of Colorado Board of Regents condemns protestors who targeted homes of two regents

By Shaun Boyd | CBS Colorado

The University of Colorado’s Board of Regents unanimously passed a resolution Thursday condemning a group that organized protests outside the homes of two regents in the Denver metro area.

The group, Students for a Democratic Society, demonstrated outside the Superior home of Board Chair Callie Rennison on June 2 and then gathered outside the Arapahoe County home of Regent Ilana Spiegel, who is Jewish, on Sunday.

SDS called for the university system to divest from companies with ties to Israel and called for violence against and the murder of Jewish people. 

The resolution reads, in part, “The Board of Regents condemns Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) for its actions directed at Jewish people in the town of Superior and Arapahoe County, Colorado.