Devotional: Which tree will you choose? Life or death?

By Drake Hunter | Devotional, Rocky Mountain Voice

Let’s chat about something that should be prioritized: getting in tune with God’s wisdom (Proverbs 3). Picture this: the world is like a sneaky influencer, whispering sweet nothings that can lead us astray without realizing it.

But fear not (Matthew 10:28)! The remedy is as straightforward as this discussion. Those who embrace God’s wisdom are snacking on the divine delights of “The Tree of Life,” while those who get caught up in worldly wisdom are munching on “The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”—a tree that, let me tell you, is not as innocent as it sounds (Tree of Death). It carries the weight of serious baggage, leading us to death. Let’s be mindful of these dangers and choose our sources of wisdom wisely.

If this tree talk sounds foreign to you, fret not; it’s never too late to check in and see which tree you’re feasting from. The Bible (Genesis 1-3, to be exact) describes two pivotal trees: one is our source of divine nourishment, and the other is? Well, it’s a recipe for life’s challenges and, ultimately, separation from the eternal goodness of God (Romans 3:23).

It’s not just about choosing good over evil; it’s about where you get your wisdom. Are you aligning with God and His community, or do the world’s fickle counselors sway you? By the way, if you say my source is a Christian, remember that Jesus never said to follow Christians first, but to “Follow Me!”

Consuming from the Tree of Life is about adopting Christ’s heart and mindset and letting God’s love and intentions guide us. Wisdom is simply seeing life through God’s eyes and responding accordingly rather than getting lost in the dead-end maze of worldly perspectives. The Tree of Life, listening to true wisdom and cultivating the fear of the Lord accordingly, leads to virtuous living, integrity and a generous spirit, ultimately guiding to success and peace.

Let’s be honest. Life’s troubles stem from that pesky Tree of Death! When God invited humanity to partner with Him, He gave us life or death. And just like in the beginning, we face that same choice today. Sadly, many have opted for self-determination, leading to the unraveling of the Good Life. Choosing to navigate the world based on our limited experiences rather than God’s infinite wisdom only weakens our connection with Him, each other and ourselves, resulting in the age-old cycle of unnecessary suffering and misery.

So, how do we break this cycle? By nourishing ourselves from The Tree of Life! It’s not about piling on more rules or laws — Jesus already showed us that too many regulations can tie us up in knots. True wisdom doesn’t come from more rules or selfish intentions; it flourishes when we wholeheartedly embrace Jesus’ teachings or wisdom.

As we cultivate good characteristics and righteousness within ourselves, we can harmonize our body, mind and spirit, creating a space where goodness thrives no matter what. This transformation, fueled by God’s wisdom, is a beacon of hope, inspiring us to continue on this journey of spiritual growth.

So, please take a few minutes today to meditate on your sources of wisdom. Are they rooted in God’s love, or does the world’s noise sway them? This self-reflection is a powerful tool, empowering you to take control of your God journey. Choose to nourish yourself with God’s wisdom, and watch how your life transforms for the good of yourself, others and God’s overall plan.

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.