Polis Promise made; promise denied. Property taxes to spike 25%


The bill is coming due for living in a state controlled by a tax-and-spend political party and homeowners will be paying the brunt of it this year when property taxes are projected to spike an average of 25%.

PeakNation™ will recall Gov. Polis and his Democrat buddies in the state legislature promised us property tax relief last year, but instead gave us a tax hike ballot measure that failed miserably. Because it was a tax hike, not a tax break.

Then Polis called a special session of his cronies to hold a special session and he promised to seriously cut property taxes that time, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

Again his word meant nothing.

Promises made, promises denied.

You know the old saying, fool us once, shame on you, fool us three times, and voters will be just foolish enough to vote Democrat yet again.

A new report by the Common Sense Institute shows the special session lowered the residential assessment rate for 2023 by a miniscule amount from 6.7% to 6.765% and allowed homeowners to exempt $55,000 of their home’s value.

That means the average Colorado homeowner is still facing a property tax increase by a whopping 25% — the highest increase in three decades.

Coloradans would do well to remember the reason our property taxes are spiking is because the economy was inflated by Bidenomics.

If you want to keep turning more of your paycheck over to the government, keep voting Democrat.