Announcing the launch of new Colorado media platform: The Rocky Mountain Voice

CENTENNIAL, Colo. – Colorado is at a pivotal moment in time. It’s never been more critical than now to get real, unbiased news from a reliable source. Especially for conservatives.

Many Coloradans don’t know the truth thanks to one-sided media and messaging, and few platforms for conservatives to get out their message.

“The Rocky Mountain Voice is launching to ensure that the citizens of the Centennial state can be well informed and effectively engaged, and that ‘the other side of the story’ is told,” said Founder and President Heidi Ganahl.

The Rocky Mountain Voice will build trust through the truth, inspire the next generation of Coloradans, always be pro-citizen, pro-liberty, pro-Colorado and honor our heritage of rugged individualism.

Ganahl added: “We will not participate in partisan bickering. As a result, the outlet will remain nimble and call ‘balls and strikes’ no matter the offender, R or D.”

“The Rocky Mountain Voice platform will aggregate other outlets – we’re not competing with other conservative outlets – we’re supporting them and create original content as well,” she said.

Our vision is a Colorado where we educate and inform people here so they can live their lives as they see fit, with only limited support and guidance, and little interference, from our government.

The Rocky Mountain Voice will share news from other reliable conservative voices in Colorado, as well as our own original content. The Rocky Mountain Voice will exist for the purpose of reporting on the advancement of self-governance in the Centennial state and beyond, it’s not just about news, it’s about community, it’s about having fun again as conservatives.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Rocky Mountain Voice will remain nimble and report the facts, no matter the offender, R or D. The Rocky Mountain Voice subscriptions are free. We will implement no paywalls restricting your ability to consume the news. Our Mountain Minute newsletter will be a quick 5-minute read on the news of the day.

“We’re excited to be a new voice for your values, Colorado,” Ganahl said.

For more information, please contact us at 720-591-7264 and visit