Colorado’s illegal immigrant crisis hits the suburbs

By William Perry Pendley

Americans are horrified by the nation’s illegal immigration crisis; it is their No. 1 issue, reports a new public opinion poll, edging out inflation. Once a concern for Arizona, California, Texas and New Mexico residents, it is now a national problem. After all, the sight at the border of multitudes of single, military-aged men from scores of countries with potentially incompatible civilizations, cultures or causes is at once stupefying and instructive. Because most are headed our way, we all live in border states.

Unvetted, unvaccinated and uneducated, they are unprepared for life in America, even those Biden’s Border Patrol ushers in and to whom it provides monies, cell phones, and transport deep in country with court dates years in the future. One can only imagine the condition of the millions of “getaways” who arrive by authority of those who today control our southern border: the criminal cartels, and with them drugs, fentanyl, and trafficked women and children, in what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. calls a “humanitarian crisis of unimaginable proportions.”

Things worsen when they reach their destinations, as seen for months on the news or online. Once big city mayors danced jigs when courts let “sanctuary” designation bar local law enforcement from notifying federal authorities of illegal aliens in custody to prevent deportation but ensure future felonies, including murder. Today, they complain about the exorbitant cost of housing, feeding, and policing the waves of illegal aliens swarming into their cities. Those who suffer most, however, are not the mayors, who are just begging for federal dollars, but hapless residents, rich and poor, black and white. Hotels, recreational centers, and airports are commandeered for illegal aliens, trashing neighborhoods, educational opportunities, and travelers’ safety, health and happiness. In New York City, everyone is livid, from Lady Gaga’s father on the Upper West Side to Representative Ocasio-Cortez’s Brooklyn constituents. It is no different in Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Detroit, or Chicago.