Don’t mark your calendar for March 7

Thank you in advance for staying home on Thursday, March 7, 2024.

I know it’s such an imposition every other year to attend a few hours to meet with your neighbors to elect your precinct committee persons and delegates to the county assemblies. Make sure you have all your excuses lined up as to why you can’t participate in the Colorado Caucus.

I know you would rather complain about how bad the candidates are for this next election cycle, rather than participate and help nominate your chosen candidate to run for office. I know a great Netflix series you are watching takes priority over your civic responsibility. I know you must wash your hair that night because the weekend is coming up. I know it will take at least a month to find a babysitter with such short notice. I know all the excuses that caucuses are outdated, lame or it doesn’t matter anyway.

That’s OK. I hope you don’t show up. Your lack of civic knowledge gives your neighbors who do attend their caucus more voting power and it’s easier to persuade a few people to vote for a candidate for office or a platform idea than it is to persuade a full room. I know you’re too busy that night to chart the course of your town, county and state. That’s OK. I get it. You have more important things to do.

Of course, I am flippantly being “tongue in cheek” about attending and participating in your local caucus, however it’s closer to the truth than not.

In his book “Poke the Box,” Seth Godin asks, “When was the last time you did something for the first time?” Why not challenge yourself and the status quo of negative politics and bring a sense of wonder and enthusiasm to the process rather than complaining that everything in politics is bad?

I know it gets confusing and even intimidating to attend a caucus because you don’t understand it. My first Colorado Caucus experience was unbelievable, yet I buffaloed my way through it and enjoyed the process. I met my like-minded neighbors and became friends with several.

You may feel awkward not knowing what you don’t know. You may not have paid attention in civics class or worse, you never had a civic class. However, your neighbors who attend the caucus will be happy to guide you. How about taking 30 minutes to learn about something that will have a positive effect on your life, liberty and happiness? There are all kinds of resources you can invest some time learning about. The Colorado Secretary of State is a good place to start. 

There, you can learn about volunteering to be an election judge or a poll watcher if you are concerned about election integrity. You can learn how to be a volunteer for a candidate or an issue you feel strongly about. You can help your party prepare for the Colorado Primary on June 25, 2024, or even participate in the Nov. 5, 2024, General Election. You can contact your local county party on that smart device you scroll endlessly on and find out where your precinct meeting will take place. A caucus is usually held in the evening at a local school or civic building.

For years, I have heard from friends, family and pundits who complain that if we could just find the right leaders to have the right policies who would uphold my values and principles, then everything would be fine. Well, my friends, I have news for you. The leaders you are looking for are staring you in the mirror. Our leaders are not the people we elect. Our next leader is you.

The people we elect for office are our representatives and they work for you. Until you change your mindset, the same stuff you complain about will continue. In this pivotal moment in our history, this election is too important to sit out and watch from the sidelines.

Our beloved nation may vanish into the ether if you don’t get involved. It is that serious this election cycle. Our nation was built upon and founded on the idea of individual rights. No other nation or state in the history of civilization had ever had that miraculous idea come to fruition.

We must defend and protect this idea. For if we do not, our children and grandchildren would have every right to accuse us of messing up their opportunities for a better life, a better country and the promise of America. 

That’s OK. I understand you’re just too busy to show up on March 7. 

Bradley Beck is a husband, father, GrandBrad, Distinguished Toastmaster, Optimist and 360 Guy. He’s a special contributor to Rocky Mountain Voice.