Failed Biden Economic Policies Lead to Increase in Unemployment Filings in Colorado


The state of Colorado, initial filings for unemployment benefits have surged in the past week, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

The increase in jobless claims is indicative of the detrimental impact that President Biden’s failed economic policies are having on hardworking Coloradans.

The latest data reveals that new jobless claims in Colorado reached 2,748 in the week ending January 13, marking an increase from the previous week’s 2,648 claims. These numbers paint a stark picture of the struggles faced by Colorado residents in finding and maintaining stable employment.

While the nation as a whole experienced a decrease in unemployment claims, with numbers dropping to 187,000 last week, the situation in Colorado tells a different story. It is evident that the policies implemented by the Biden administration are failing to provide the economic growth and job security that Americans desperately need.


The impact of these failed policies extends beyond Colorado’s borders.

The Virgin Islands witnessed the largest percentage increase in weekly claims, with a staggering jump of 285.7%. This alarming statistic highlights the widespread negative consequences of the Biden administration’s misguided ‘Bidenomics’ agenda.

Conversely, South Carolina saw the largest percentage drop in new claims, with a decrease of 50.7%. This serves as a reminder that conservative-led states, with their commitment to pro-growth policies and limited government intervention, are better equipped to weather economic challenges and create an environment conducive to job creation.

Critics note, the Biden approach, marked by excessive regulation, burdensome taxes, and reckless spending, is hindering economic recovery and exacerbating unemployment rates.