Former state lawmaker Janak Joshi jumps in GOP congressional primary in Colorado’s 8th

By Ernest Luning, Colorado Politics

Former state Rep. Janak Joshi on Friday joined the field of Republicans hoping to challenge Democratic U.S. Rep. Yadira Caraveo in Colorado’s 8th Congressional District.

Vowing he’ll be “big government’s worst enemy,” the former physician, who represented Colorado Springs districts for three terms last decade in the legislature, said his unabashedly conservative track record makes him the best candidate to win the battleground seat, which could decide which party controls the U.S. House of Representatives after this year’s election.

“I’m the only candidate in this race with a proven conservative record to show that actions speak louder than mere words,” Joshi said in statement to Colorado Politics. “We already have too many say-anything politicians that voters can’t trust. To win this primary and general election, we need a citizen-focused, conservative leader who fights for everyday Americans and not the corrupt insiders who are ruining our country.”