2 Colorado counties and RTD use taxpayer dollars on political consultants to generate more tax dollars

By Shaun Boyd | SOURCE: CBS News

As Coloradans brace for massive property tax spikes, some local governments are quietly laying the groundwork for ballot measures that would hike taxes even further, and a loophole in Colorado state law allows them to use your tax dollars to figure out how to get more of your tax dollars.

Under state law, a government entity can’t spend more than $50 to support a measure after it’s on the ballot, but there’s no limit on what they can spend before it makes the ballot.

Natalie Menten, founder of Colorado Engaged, says the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners is among those using the loophole to run political campaigns on the public’s dime. A political activist, government watchdog and chief nemesis of the commissioners, Menten says they’re plotting against their own constituents by paying a political consulting firm $340,000 of taxpayer money all because they want more money.

Jeffco is one of the few counties where the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) is still intact, so commissioners need voter approval for any tax hike.

Menten says they’re testing the waters.

“It’s an abuse of their power and a misuse of taxpayer money,” Menten said.