Colorado House Democrats pass resolution to stifle honest debate and silence GOP voices

By The Lobby

In a stunning display of partisan politics, Colorado House Democrats have passed House Resolution 24-1004, drawing strong protests from House Republicans who argue that changing these rules is a deliberate attempt to suppress conservative voices. The resolution, offered by House Majority Leader Monica Duran, passed on a party-line vote of 42-19, further highlighting the growing divide between the two parties.

Minority Leader Rose Pugliese of Colorado Springs spoke out against the resolution on behalf of her caucus, pointing out the hypocrisy of Governor Jared Polis and House Speaker Julie McCluskie.

Minority Leader Rose Pugliese speaking in opposition to House Resolution 24-1004, February 2, 2024.

Both Polis and McCluskie had called for more civility and “disagreeing better” among lawmakers during the opening week of the session. Yet, the Democrats’ actions in passing this resolution clearly contradict their own pleas for unity.

The resolution primarily focuses on changes to the Rules of the House of Representatives, particularly concerning the reading of bills at length and the procedures that apply at the end of a legislative session. One significant change is the capping of the number of computer reading programs to only one program or person at a time. This move raises concerns about transparency and the ability for lawmakers to thoroughly examine proposed legislation.

Currently, House and Senate rules are suspended in the last three days of the 120-day session. This suspension leads to a decrease in the number of committees and the relaxation of various rules and procedures.

Under the resolution, House rules would be suspended during the last 10 days of session. Read HR 24-1004 HERE.


House Majority Leader Duran defended the resolution by claiming that reading bills at length is often used as a delay tactic and that the frequency of such tactics has increased in recent years.

This statement from the Democrat caucus spokesman is dismissive of the importance of thorough deliberation and fails to acknowledge that the Republicans’ opposition is rooted in their commitment to upholding the principles of democracy and ensuring transparency in the legislative process.

The Democrats’ track record of excessive use of Rule 14 in the previous session only exacerbates the gravity of the current situation. It is evident that the Colorado House Democrats’ actions to suspend the rules and limit honest debate reflect a concerning pattern of stifling dissenting voices and undermining the democratic process.


Critics note, as the session progresses, it is crucial for all lawmakers to remember their duty to represent the best interests of the people and engage in open and respectful dialogue.

The passage of HR 24-1004 serves as a stark reminder of the importance of preserving the principles of free speech and ensuring that every voice is heard, regardless of political affiliation. Coloradans deserve a transparent and accountable legislative process that upholds the values of democracy and respects the rights of all citizens.