Colorado Speaker faces criticism for turning away families of Hamas victims, while Senate welcomes them

By The Lobby

The Speaker of the Colorado House has come under fire for refusing to allow families of hostages and victims, who had family members kidnapped by Hamas, into the House chamber. It is alleged that pressure from radical pro-Hamas Democrats influenced this decision, while the Colorado Senate welcomed these families with open arms.

Seven families, who had flown all the way from Israel to share their heartbreaking stories with lawmakers, visited the Colorado Capitol on Monday. They came seeking support and assistance to bring their loved ones back home from Gaza.

Rep. Ron Weinberg, a Loveland Republican and end Dafna Michaelson Jenet, a Commerce City Democrat speaking before the Colorado Senate February 5, 2024.

Rep. Ron Weinberg, a Loveland Republican and end Dafna Michaelson Jenet, a Commerce City Democrat introduced the guests on the Senate floor, acknowledging the urgency of the situation.

Both Weinberg and Michaelson Jenet, who are Jewish and have family ties to Israel, felt a personal connection to the families’ plight.

Initially, a press release issued by Weinberg stated that the families and dignitaries would be honored in both the Senate and House. However, everything changed when Weinberg arrived at the Capitol on Monday. He received a call from House Speaker McCluskie, informing him that the visitors would not be allowed on the House floor.

Weinberg issued a statement in response to McCluskie’s Monday morning decision.

“It is outrageous the Democrats do not trust their own members not to ’embarrass’ family members of victims who have been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists,” he said. “This is not a Republican or Democratic issue — this is about saying ‘no’ to evil. This is about standing up for right and wrong. This is about human decency.”

McCluskie, suddenly expressed concerns that bringing this issue into the House could hinder the House’s ability to work together and feared that members on both sides of the aisle would fail to “rise to the occasion.”

This decision by the House Speaker has raised both concern and questions about her commitment to human decency and standing up against evil. It is worth noting that several progressive members of the House have expressed solidarity with Hamas terrorists since the Israel-Hamas conflict began.

Weinberg, in response to McCluskie’s decision, called it outrageous that Democrats do not trust their own members to handle the situation respectfully and with empathy for the families of the victims.


Fortunately, the families were allowed into the Senate chambers, where they were heard and supported. Weinberg, who was denied the opportunity to address the House, was allowed to address the Senate. McCluskie and nearly half of the House attended the Senate session to hear Weinberg’s speech.

It is disheartening that the House Speaker and certain members of the House failed to extend the same level of empathy and understanding as their counterparts in the Senate.

There are over 100 hostages, including several Americans, still being held in Gaza following the Oct. 7 attack in Israel by Hamas militants.