Did our glassy-eyed governor just expose his hypocrisy and ownership of a (Gasp!) gas stove in sharing a picture of his Valentine’s Day meal with the masses?
Governor Polis doesn't want us to have gas stoves or gas water heaters, or anything gas… yet HE has a gas stove?! #copolitics https://t.co/ZV4EWeyV1l
— Joshua T. Hosler (@JoshuaHosler) February 15, 2024
The folks on X sure seem to think so.
And yet, it’s a little hard to tell, because the photo was cropped so suspiciously close.

So we overexposed the shot just a smidgen to take a closer look at the blacked out burner in the bottom right corner to see if that was a gas top grate, or a glass top for an electric stove.
Lo and behold, that ain’t no flat top glass burning electricity.
It’s a gas stove.

And with children in the house!
Doesn’t the governor believe all the hype and media claims that having a gas stove is just like breathing secondhand smoke from tobacco users? Only there’s no nicotine and tobacco in stoves, but whatever.
Progressives will be so disappointed to learn of Polis’s killer cooking habits. And we’re not just talking about that red cabbage concoction he stirred up on Valentine’s Day.