21st Judicial District slates open house for Juvenile Diversion, Lighthouse programs

By Rocky Mountain Voice Staff

An open house has been announced for 2-6 p.m. Wednesday, March 20, during which time the public will be invited by the 21st Judicial District Attorney’s Office to tour new space of the Juvenile Diversion and Lighthouse Program at Colorado Mesa University, 1060 Orchard Ave.

The open house will feature all elements of the program , the recent expansion and to meet the team. The two programs of the Juvenile Diversion and Lighthouse are aimed at preventing youth from entering the criminal justice system.

“We invite everyone in our community to join us at the open house on March 20 to learn more about our initiatives and find ways to get involved with supporting our youth,” said 21st Judicial District Attorney Dan Rubinstein. “I also want to extend a huge thank you to Colorado Mesa University for their partnership in this important endeavor — their generous contribution of space and the involvement of their students in our programs have been invaluable.”  

The Lighthouse Program is actively supporting 69 youth. To date, 96 participants have been engaged in the program, receiving services from referrals to external community resources to full-scale intensive case management tailored to their individual needs and circumstances.

The Lighthouse Program is voluntary and seeks to identify youth with risk factors that put them at risk of dropping out of school, committing crimes, and beginning substance use. The program’s goal is prevention and intervention through support, services and education for the youth and their families.

Eighty-eight youths are enrolled in the Juvenile Diversion Program. Since July 1, 2021, the program has seen 633 youth complete their diversion plans, effectively avoiding the traditional court process. 

With goals similar to those of the Lighthouse Program, the Juvenile Diversion program is an opportunity to divert juvenile cases from the court. It allows the juvenile to avoid having an adjudication on their record, given the unique circumstances that often occur surrounding youth who commit crimes. 

Visit the Juvenile Diversion and Lighthouse Programs webpage for more information about the juvenile programs.