The Last Gasp of the Liberal Colorado Press

By Heidi Ganahl | Rocky Mountain Voice

Gov. Jared Polis and his cronies are very mad that a real newsman is doing the job they refuse to do.  We started Rocky Mountain Voice to report factual, real news, to allow Coloradans to have the knowledge to make better decisions — in government and culture, all in one place.  We thought they’d eventually be scared of us, but we didn’t realize the establishment media would be quaking in their boots within the first two months!

We are building trust through truth, inspiring the next generation of Colorado, always pro-citizen, pro-liberty, and pro-Colorado, and always honoring our heritage of rugged individualism. The Rocky Mountain Voice will share news from other reliable conservative voices in Colorado, as well as our own original content. RMV will provide citizens the information and knowledge they need to be educated and informed regarding policy and government; without the liberal bias we haven’t been unable to escape. Rocky Mountain Voice is not just about news, it’s about community, it’s about having fun again as conservatives.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, the Rocky Mountain Voice will remain nimble and call “balls and strikes” no matter the offender, R or D. Rocky Mountain Voice consists of a robust, constantly updated, online news center:, with active social media engagement, podcasts, radio shows, Newsletters (daily and weekly), and a speaker’s bureau for grassroots groups to tap into. We are also hosting fun, engaging rallies, and helping grassroots groups take their events to another level!

Rocky Mountain Voice subscriptions are free. Our Mountain Minute newsletter is a quick 5-minute read on the news of the day. Our goal with RMV is to provide reliable, quality news, build community and empower you as citizens!

To do all this, we brought on Brian Porter as a knowledgeable, experienced newsman—because what Coloradans told me about every day in my 2022 gubernatorial campaign is that NO ONE is telling them the real story.

Brian’s background in the media has the establishment upset because he was in their midst… a truth-teller who hadn’t yet been corrupted. And they are terrified. He has been serving, to their sudden horror, as the president of the Colorado Press Association. Now, with him launching RMV, they learn he actually cares about the grassroots and that he wants to report facts.  This mustn’t stand in liberal land, so last week, Polis and his media thugs put out a whiny manifest from their far-left hit piece machine, the Colorado Times Recorder, to pressure Brian to step down. I understand there are some fair, even conservative, people still in the association that pushed back, and to those, keep up the good fight! 

The Colorado woke media is dying because they now exist to serve Polis and the far-left machine… no matter what.  

I’m proud to have Brian running our shop. And we’re both proud to have answered this call to serve!

As William Randolph Hearst said, “News is something somebody doesn’t want printed; all else is advertising.”

This is why RMV doesn’t use paywalls, charge a subscription, or take advertising. We’re about printing the hard truths the crony media—and the political establishment they serve—doesn’t want you to know. 

RMV is doing something very different. Focused on the facts, the Rocky Mountain Voice will be the voice of reason in Colorado.