Hot dog anyone? Denver vendors may be unlicensed and lacking sanitary standards

By Catie Cheshire | Westword

When hordes of patrons file out of Denver sports arenas and music venues, they’ll inevitably encounter someone hawking hot dogs, ready to fill bellies directed by inebriated brains.

Because who’s saying no to a bacon-wrapped glizzy at 2 a.m.?

But city officials, pointing to a surge of unlicensed hot dog vendors in Denver, warn against partaking in street dogs. Without proper health inspections, they say, you could be signing up for more than just a hangover.

“Unfortunately, with the dangerous lack of sanitary standards being practiced by some of the unlicensed hot dog carts, people may find themselves sick the next day and assume it is because of the alcohol they consumed the previous night — instead of the hot dog and bacon sitting unrefrigerated for hours,” says Eric Escudero, spokesperson for the Department of Excise & Licenses.