Rep. Bradley announces town hall meetings to review legislative session, focus on future

By BRIAN PORTER | Rocky Mountain Voice

State Rep. Brandi Bradley has announced a pair of town hall meetings she will host in District 39 to discuss legislative victories, losses and what lies ahead.

Bradley will join with Sen. Mark Bailey and Sen. Kevin Van Winkle at 6:30 p.m. May 13 at the Larkspur Fire Station, 941 S. Spruce Mountain Road. She will again be joined by Van Winkle and this time by Sen. Jim Smallwood at 7 p.m. May 16 at Freedom Fellowship in Centennial. A time of fellowship, food and fun will precede the May 16 event at 5:30 p.m.

“It has been an honor to represent House District 39 for the last two years,” Bradley wrote in her district newsletter. “I never, in a million years, thought that I would run for office. It has been one of the most gratifying and most difficult jobs I have ever had. It has been lonely but also full of camaraderie. I am proud to stand by my principles of faith, family, and freedom, and, if you [will] have me, I look forward to doing more great work for the people of Colorado.”

More than 700 bills were introduced in the session, an increase of 127 bills from the 2023 session, she notes.

“That is an unprecedented amount of legislation pushed this year by activist legislators and lobbyists,” Bradley said.

The newsletter profiled several bills she led in the legislative session.

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She also pledged to offer support for Republicans running for office this election cycle.

“This summer, I plan to help House candidates in contested races so we can win back some seats in the House,” she said.

Republicans in the Colorado House faced a super minority with a group they called the Mighty 19. It meant passing or defeating a bill became extremely difficult.