‘The Most Legit Dude’ in the Colorado Capitol: Senator becomes unlikely celebrity

By Hannah Metzger | Westword

One Colorado legislator has become the subject of fan pages, a weekly holiday and an effort to replace Mayor Mike Johnston’s greeting at the Denver airport with his voice instead.

As state Senator Perry Will walks through the Colorado Capitol Building on Friday, May 3, staffers stop him to ask for photos. Dozens of people roam the halls wearing bolo ties — Will’s signature look — in homage to the year’s last “Perry Will Friday,” which has been celebrated every week since the legislative session began in January.

Now four months in, with legislators preparing to adjourn this week, Will is a bona fide celebrity under the gold dome.

“I just love it. I crave it,” Will says. “I’m not your garden-variety legislator, but I work across the aisle; I try to do all the right things for all the right reasons. … I think if you treat people the way you want to be treated, it pays off.”