A mysterious monolith appeared in rural Colorado. Do we really want to know where it came from?

By Parker Yamasaki | The Colorado Sun

On top of a hill prickly with dry grass and cacti is a four-sided structure that looks like the sky, the hills and the small crowd of people standing next to it, but it’s none of those things. It’s not a riddle, it’s a monolith. Perhaps the 247th spotted worldwide since 2020

It appeared unexpectedly on Sunday in Bellvue, northwest of Fort Collins, on the expansive property of Rob and Lori Graves, who own Morning Fresh Dairy Farm, a Noosa Yoghurt factory, and the Howling Cow Cafe. A cafe manager spotted the structure in the distance as she arrived at work in the morning, but didn’t think anything of it until a customer came in and asked to be pointed toward “the alien structure.” 

The Howling Cow has been part of the farm property since 2014, and has become a popular cycling stop that serves the dairy’s fresh creams and yogurts. As of Monday, though, it’s become a gathering place for bagel sandwiches and hypotheses about alien life.