Colorado wildlife officials confirm Grand County wolves have reproduced

By The Colorado Sun

At least one pup has been born to a pair of wolves transplanted to Colorado from Oregon in December.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife on Thursday evening said a gray wolf pup was spotted on June 18 in Grand County but said it is likely as many as five more were born.

Biologists tracking location data noted in early April that a female’s collar had stopped uploading GPS coordinates, but then resumed sending data later in the month. This led the biologists to believe she was likely in a den.

Though CPW did not release a photo or video footage of the pup, a news release said biologists had observed the area where the female’s collar was transmitting from the air and ground, using remote cameras and public reports. The biologists will continue to observe the denning area to see if there are more pups. “It is possible that other pups may be present, as wolf litters commonly consist of four to six pups,” CPW wrote.