Colorado GOP sues county Republican officers to block effort to remove Dave Williams as party chair

By Ernest Luning | Colorado Politics

The Colorado Republican Party sued two county GOP officers late Thursday in an attempt to block a group of Republicans from removing Dave Williams as the state party’s chairman.

In a lawsuit filed in Arapahoe County District Court, Williams, on behalf of the state GOP, asks the court to rule that an upcoming meeting of the state party’s central committee — called by Williams’ critics to consider whether to fire Williams — won’t qualify as official party business.

The lawsuit also asks the court to prevent defendants Nancy Pallozzi, the Jefferson County GOP chair, and Todd Watkins, the El Paso County GOP vice chair, from using party email accounts, the state GOP’s logo and the official party database to pursue their efforts to oust Williams, citing a recent ruling by the state Republicans’ executive committee that declared Pallozzi’s and Watkins’ activities “null and void.”