Commentary: Letters from readers (week of July 22)

By Rocky Mountain Voice

Following are letters recently received from readers of the Rocky Mountain Voice. To have your letter considered for publication, email [email protected] with the heading “Letter to the Editor” and be sure to provide your name, hometown (only) and permission to reprint.

Registration fees are out of control

Most people probably remember how a frog cannot be put directly into boiling water, however, if it’s put in and the heat is slowly turned up it will become cooked.

I’m wondering if this is a picture of many Coloradoans with regard to vehicle registration cost.

I’m renewing the registration on my two-year-old car — more than $500! I’ve lived in Colorado for more than 20 years now and I can’t remember when the exponential increases took hold, yet I seldom hear any murmurs of outrage or at least dissatisfaction.

When will car dealers consider how many more cars could be sold if registration was more affordable? I wonder how many less clunkers would be on the road if more people could afford newer, cleaner-running, affordable registration vehicles?

Registration in other states I’ve lived in was more like tens of dollars. I suppose Coloradoans derive great benefit from the exorbitant registration “fees.” Some of the fees purportedly pay for Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST), but I don’t see many officers on the roads anymore. I know, surely bridges and roads are some of the best. Oops, try driving the tooth rattling southbound I-25 between Wellington and Fort Collins everyday. Well, at least CDOT has new buildings.

It seems many Coloradoans should take another look at registration fees, folks, the water is boiling!

I’m definitely venting! It at least feels better that I’ve said something, unlike in the past just saying, “Oh, time to burn more money just to keep the ride going, just another bill.” How can we all be so desensitized to to exorbitant, price gouging ?

Amazingly, this is a Democrat business-as-usual solution and a Republican failure to offer alternatives. Shaking my head. The backs of the “little” people are breaking.

Fred Wagner, Wellington

So long, Joe, could it actually be Michelle for President?

What the news is failing to say is that Kamala Harris has not been endorsed by the Obama’s, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, nor Nancy Pelosi (as of the writing of this letter). House Minority Leader Jeffries has yet to endorse her, but who really cares about him since he is a Pelosi puppet.

Sen. Ted Cruz, whom I think is one of the smartest people in Washington, D.C.,  did say during the convention that he had it at 50/50 between Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama. Given Kamala’s track record and her potential to really muck it up between now and the DNC, I believe the Democrats will nominate and elect Michelle Obama as their candidate for President.

Once again, the Democratic Party has kicked Joe Biden to the curb. Once in 2015 with Hillary Clinton and now with Harris or Obama. 

Eric V. Himes

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.