Devotion: Truth is the language to restore greatness

By DRAKE HUNTER | Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice

I vividly recall the day I sat in a large Bible class at a church my wife and I visited during a sabbatical from the church I pastor. The question arose: “What language does God speak?” As a visitor, I chose discretion and remained silent.

Answers flew across the room, ranging from Hebrew and Greek to “Tongues.” Then, with a dramatic pause, someone across the room exclaimed, “What does the Pastor say?!” All eyes turned on me, and in a meek but firm manner, I responded, “TRUTH.”

Truth, in its purest form, is what “IS.” It aligns with reality, free from distorted perceptions, presumptions, and perspectives (Proverbs 29:18). It’s a reliable guide for making sound decisions. As Christians, truth should be our highest value. Proverbs 23:23 underscores this, ‘Buy the truth and do not sell it.’ Truth is found in the Holy Bible and creation — universal principles, research, logic, (yes, science) experiences, intuition, feelings, etc., (yes, stories).  It’s evident in all nature, history, and design — God’s objective word, and every word presented in the Bible — God’s subjective word. Reality is accurately portrayed when the Book of Creation (Romans 1:20) and the Holy Bible are in harmony where life rebuilds and thrives.

Jesus proclaimed, “Whoever has ears, let them hear” (Matthew 11:15), referring to the absolute truth of God, also known as God’s language. However, the complete truth of God’s voice has been divided and separated, a situation detested by God (Malachi 2:16). This issue exists not only in the world but also in the church. It is known as the sin of “factions” (Galatians 5:20), referring to factious or quarrelsome opposition, debate, or divisions in every aspect of life. This problem is prevalent in all aspects of society and must be resolved to bring the language or voice of God back to His reality. Otherwise, every aspect of our country will be lost forever, descending to the depths of chaos or hell.

“To make America great again” is a powerful and inspiring slogan, but it requires more than just words. It requires thoughtful consideration and action from each one of us, as children of God or Christians. The Bible guides us in this matter, stating, ‘If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land’ (2 Chronicles 7:14). This scripture highlights the initial step toward healthy change. We must persistently seek solutions and work toward redemption in every aspect of our society; this is known as justice, regardless of electoral outcomes or the political divide between ‘Blue’ or ‘Red.’ This direction is our path to reclaiming what has been lost.

For those who are truly committed to restoring greatness in all things, it’s time to transcend the language of humanity, set aside personal biases, and earnestly seek the voice of God, both objectively and subjectively, to truly hear the Truth.  Now, decide to Just Believe in Truth or God’s voice (His Language)!

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.