El Paso County GOP chair Vickie Tonkins leads censure against party’s vice chair, demands he resign

By Ernest Luning | Colorado Politics

The quarrel between Colorado Republican Party Chairman Dave Williams and a group of Republicans attempting to oust him from his position spilled over into local party politics this week when the El Paso County GOP’s governing board voted to reprimand the party’s second-in-command for spearheading the move to fire Williams, among other alleged “malicious acts.”

Add it to a growing pile of contradictory censure resolutions, disputed party meetings, dueling cease and desist orders, lawsuits both filed and threatened, and daily accusations that the other side is engaging in “illegal” activities — all part of a months-long struggle for control of the Colorado GOP.

It could come to a head Saturday at a church in Brighton, when members of the state Republicans’ central committee convene to decide whether to replace Williams and other party officers, who have told committee members to skip the meeting, calling it “fraudulent.”