Firefighters who responded on 9/11 escort piece of twin towers to new Fort Collins memorial

By Dillon Thomas | CBS Colorado

A piece of American history has been permanently installed in Fort Collins, as Poudre Fire Station #3 cemented a piece of the twin towers into the park behind their fire station. The piece of the twin towers was officially unveiled at a ceremony in Fort Collins on Monday afternoon.

The piece of steel, which stands several feet tall, serves as a reminder to the Northern Colorado community of what the U.S. has been through, and the sacrifices many paid for freedom.

“We just don’t want people to forget,” said Jim Durkin, a former firefighter who responded to ground zero.

Durkin, Jim Salisbury and Lin Lindholm are just three of the many now-retired Poudre Fire employees who helped dig for survivors in 2001. The same group of men were those who helped escort the piece of steel across the country to Fort Collins.