In Elbert County, manager and attorney get 40% pay increases, with perks

By Deborah Grigsby | Colorado Politics

Two of Elbert County’s top officials received contract extensions this year, each with pay raises and county-owned cars, among other perks.

The Board of County Commissioners extended “Engagement of Service” contracts to County Manager Shawn Fletcher and County Attorney Bart Greer.

Fletcher, who has been on the job for less than 18 months, saw a pay bump of $80,000 over his 2023 contract, bringing his annual salary to $220,000. Additionally, he gets the use of a county-owned or leased vehicle, a monthly housing allowance of $1,500, and an extra two weeks (8 days) of vacation leave above his current accrual rate.

Greer, who has represented the county for close to seven years, will also receive an annual salary of $220,000 and use a county vehicle. A previous contract signed by Greer in January 2023 placed his yearly salary at $145,500.