Polis: Biden’s decision to withdraw not easy ‘but it is the right one’

Colorado’s Reps. Boebert, Lamborn respond vis Twitter posts

By BRIAN PORTER | Rocky Mountain Voice

In the moments following President Joe Biden’s announcement he would suspend his campaign for re-election, Gov. Jared Polis responded in a manner similar to President John F. Kennedy’s moon challenge speech.

“This could not have been an easy decision but it is the right one, and Joe Biden promised Americans he would always do what’s right for our country and once again he has delivered,” Polis said. “I know President Biden and Jill are making this choice with the future of Americans in their hearts.”

There’s some theory Polis, who will has 2-1/2 years left on his term as governor, wants to take a bid at the office or seek a place on the ticket as vice-president. He called Mr. Biden, 81, a “true partner to Colorado, and a proud patriot.”

Simultaneously, Polis indicated the move was correct, because he doesn’t support a second term for former President Donald J. Trump.

“The United States cannot afford another potential four years of a disastrous Trump presidency that would trample on rights and freedoms, derail our economy, increase costs and harm our international standing,” Polis said.

That is in the eye of the beholder, though. It was during the Biden presidency that Vladimir Putin-led Russia invaded Ukraine, and that Hamas attacked Israel. The price of gas doubled under Biden, and Biden’s inflation rate of 5.7% is 3.8% higher than under Trump. Since early 1950, inflation under Biden is tied for the third highest of any administration and was fourth lowest under Trump, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index.

“Coloradans and I are deeply grateful to President Biden for his incredible leadership and his unrelenting commitment to the country we all love,” Polis said.

U.S. Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo. Springs, also responded through Twitter/X.

“Since Joe Biden took office, Americans have been paying more for just about everything due to inflation,” he wrote. “Biden has also failed to stand up to our adversaries in Beijing, Tehran, and Moscow. I have been calling for Biden to retire for years. I am glad he is doing the right thing for once.”

The announcement he would not seek re-election is not enough, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Windsor, indicated. She represents the 3rd District and is the Republican nominee for the 4th District, about two-thirds of the state’s land area.

“If Biden can’t run for office, he should resign. Immediately,” she tweeted.

Later, she added: “The Democrat primary voters chose Biden and the elites took him out. This whole thing feels insurrection-ey.”

The elites in the party playing a role is how far Left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York also described it in a video rant this past week.

Biden indicated he would speak to the nation this week in “greater detail” about the decision.

“My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my vice president,” Biden wrote on Twitter. “Today, I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year.