Zornio: Hickenlooper, age 74, is the Joe Biden of Colorado. But, will he step aside, too?

By Trish Zornio | Commentary, The Colorado Sun

On Friday morning, Colorado Sen. John Hickenlooper tweeted, “Ecstatic to cast my vote to nominate @KamalaHarris as the Democratic candidate for president 2024.”

Hickenlooper’s enthusiasm is right on cue. Vice President Kamala Harris has dominated as the party’s likely new nominee, shattering fundraising records and generating momentum not seen for years. So it’s not surprising Hickenlooper would get on board.

But it is surprising when you consider that Hickenlooper has already announced his plans to run for reelection at age 74 in 2026. If reelected, this would make him 80 years old by the end of his second term, only one year shy of President Biden. It’s an age a vast majority of voters have been clear is too old for higher office, raising the issue of whether Hickenlooper ought to follow suit and pass the torch, too.


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