Andrews: A ban on fur in Denver would only hurt this thriving cow town

By Paul Andrews  | Denver Post

Denver is like no place else. We’re a “cow town” with a thriving food scene; a tech hub and a gateway to world-class recreation opportunities; sports teams, museums, brew pubs, and distilleries for everyone. We’ve hit on a formula for a world-class 21st-century city that honors its heritage. It’s no wonder boomers and Gen Z alike want to be here.

So why mess with success?

Unfortunately, some ideologues want to do just that. They have a scheme that would tear apart our heritage and what makes us a unique and desirable city. The backers of the initiative will tell you it’s no big deal, but when they put something on the ballot that will hurt the National Western Stock Show, the Denver Powwow, our fly-fishing businesses and hatmakers, that should rile us all up. Hands off our hats!