Does Denver’s webpage on sales tax hike violate electioneering prohibition?

By Alexander Edwards | The Denver Gazette

Yes, apparently, as site is taken down Tuesday. The law prohibits local governments from using public funds to influence the passage or defeat of any ballot.

In an apparent move to avoid violating Colorado’s Fair Campaign Practices Act — which places limitations on how government entities may approach measures on the ballot — the Johnston administration removed a webpage dedicated to an upcoming sales tax initiative ballot measure.

City officials published an “informational page” about Mayor Mike Johnston’s proposed sales tax hike on the official City and County of Denver website, which the administration claims will generate up to $100 million for “affordable” housing.

By Tuesday, the webpage was taken down. The Denver Gazette had made inquiries about the site. 

“The site was originally created to answer questions and provide information as the ordinance went through the official City Council process,” said Jordan Fuja, who speaks for the mayor’s office. “No staff time has been used to update the site since council referred the measure to the ballot. To avoid any confusion, we have decided to take the page down.”