In MAGA rally, Trump pledges national ‘Operation Aurora’ to address illegal aliens

‘We need to make a change in November,’ Trump says after making case against Kamala Harris on border, economy

By BRIAN PORTER | Rocky Mountain Voice

A population of more than 13 million illegal immigrants who surged across the border during the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Administration were put on notice Friday by former President Donald Trump: leave or be removed from America upon his election.

Trump announced to a MAGA rally crowd gathered at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Aurora, if elected, he would reinstitute a version of the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798, which allowed for aliens dangerous to the peace and safety of America or engaged in treasonous acts to be removed by the President, with penalty of incarceration for returning.

“We will have an ‘Operation Aurora’ at the federal level to expedite the removal of these criminal gangs,” he said, referring to a so-named multi-agency operation in San Antonio, Texas. “If they come back, they will be told it is an automatic 10-year sentence in jail without possibility of parole. I’m calling for the death penalty for any illegal alien who kills an American citizen or law enforcement officer.”

In Aurora, Colo., the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua took over multiple apartment complexes and terrorized residents of those apartments, Trump reported.

“They come from the dungeons of third-world countries, from prisons and insane assylums,” Trump said. “No place is it more evident than right here. They are known all over the world: TdA.”

He reminded Coloradans that in 25 days they will select a President, and “you’re going to vote for Trump and we’re going to solve your problem.” Trump referenced a poll finding he is winning the state which went for Biden by a double-digit margin in 2020.

He criticized the absent leadership of Gov. Jared Polis, of President Biden and of Harris. America is being led by “stupid people,” he said. Trump also had criticism for any governor or mayor in America who has allowed for illegal aliens to prosper through sanctuary city policies which harmed Americans.

“If your weak and ineffective governor were doing his job, he would be leading the effort to get these gangs out of Colorado,” Trump said. “I’m going to make Colorado safe again.”

He encouraged a crowd, estimated prior to the rally at 13,000, and with more gathered outside the MAGA rally, that change is coming.

“We’re not going to take it anymore,” Trump said. “I will liberate Colorado. I’ll give you back your freedom and your life.”

He facilitated the stories of two Coloradans caught in the TdA activity in Aurora. One, he said, is a 35-year-old mother of three who had to leave her apartment because of the gang activity. The other is a grandmother, Cindy Romero, who also left. She plead with those in attendance to get Trump elected in Colorado.

“She’s a brave woman,” Trump said, noting how she exposed the TdA activity in Aurora with evidence, potentially to her own personal danger, when officials and the media claimed it wasn’t happening. “Because of Cindy and others like Cindy the radical left can’t say it didn’t happen.”

American-born incarcerated criminals, Trump says, are “babies compared to these people,” in a Sheriff Buford T. Justice moment for those familiar with 1980s Burt Reynolds movies. “They come from Venezuela,” he continued. “They come from the Middle East. They come from Asia, and they come from jails from all over the world.”

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert was among many notable Coloradans introduced by Trump, although it may not have been necessary. The applause for her indicated those in attendance were aware Aurora may soon be Boebert Country, should she win election to the 4th District of the Eastern Plains and Northern Colorado in November. She presently serves the 3rd District on the Western Slope.

Trump ran through a list of other members of Congress or candidates for U.S. House seats, including Jeff Crank, Gabe Evans, John Fabbricatore and Greg Lopez. Among them, Evans is a former police officer and Fabbricatore is a former regional director of ICE. They are seeking election to the 8th and 6th Districts, respectively. Crank is seeking election to the 5th District.

“Kamala Harris wants to abolish ICE,” Trump said.

He noted that as Harris and Biden opened the southern border upon their election, the Venezualen crime rate “went down 72%”. He predicted America wouldn’t live with the transferring of the “worst of the worst” of other countries’ criminals for much longer.

“This state has to flip Republican, it has to,” Trump said. “That’s why I’m here. We’re going to solve the problem.”

Trump added: “The border will be sealed, the invasion will be over, the migrant flights will end.”

Standing in the 4th District, sometimes referred to as MAGA Country, where the oil and gas industry used to thrive before the combination of Biden and Polis, he predicted a rebirth through the policy of “drill, baby drill”.

Election Day “will be Liberation Day in America,” Trump said. “I will rescue Aurora and every town that has been invaded and conquered. Explain that to your governor. He doesn’t have a clue.”

He called his election by Colorado over his opponent in November a “protest vote, for what they did to take me off the ballot, and more importantly for what they did to the fabric of your culture.”

Returning focus to Gov. Polis, Trump recalled, “you have a weak and ineffective governor. I got to know him in the White House. He’s not a good one.”

While an Associated Press story in advance of his visit declared his opposition to immigration in a headline, Trump clarified.

“We want to have people come in our country, but they have to come in legally,” he said. “We’re being occupied by a criminal force. We’re in an occupied state.”

During a speech which focused largely on the economy and immigration, Trump made the case for the Ronald Reagan question: ‘Are you better than you were four years ago?’ In a pre-rally post on Truth Social, Trump reported during the Biden-Harris Administration, groceries are up 22%, electricity by 31%, rent by 23%, car insurance by 57%, gasoline by 38%, eggs by 69% and airfare by 25%.

“What the hell is happening with our country,” Trump said. “They are ruining it.”

In one of his opening applause lines, though, he predicted “We’re going to Make America Great Again”.

In another moment, he got some laughter with a prediction a third candidate might arise in the race.

“Kamala Harris is, in fact, by the way they chose her, a threat to democracy. There’s a 1% possibility [Biden] hates her more than he hates Donald Trump,” he said. “[Biden] won the primary. Then there’s a new person they put in, her. I just thought, they may want to put a third person in. Let’s see who are they going to put in next? They keep saying Hillary. Hillary is back.”

Her campaign has had so many hiccups, many on the Left might want to go that route.

Trump called Harris “more liberal than crazy Bernie Sanders, more liberal than Pocahontas,” who, he explained, to anyone new to the political scene since 2016, is former Democrat Presidential contender Elizabeth Warren.

“In all fairness, I’m not a fan of Sleepy Joe, but he got 14 million votes,” Trump said. “[Harris] never made it to Iowa.”

In one of his memorable lines, Trump reminded the audience Harris had said during a recent interview, “She wouldn’t change a thing [Biden had done in four years].” He retorted, “We need to make a change in November.”