Pastor Bob: Don’t be an Adam. Be a Christ-like person and vote.

By Rev. Robert Babcox | Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice

I find it odd that we have to beg people to fulfill their Christian, as well as civic, duty. Ever since Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802, there has been a decline in Christians involving themselves in political decisions.

For example, Christians all over the state of Colorado are upset because Amendment 79 is on the ballot, yet what have they done to convince anyone that it shouldn’t be? Up to 50% of evangelical Christians are either not registered or don’t even vote, and yet they complain about the results. If every self-admitting Christian voted, the outcome in this state would be far different.

Oh, I know most (not all) politicians are slippery snakes, and you don’t want to be around them — I know I don’t. However, look what happened when Adam neglected his job to protect the garden and did not stomp [on] that snake. If we want to be rid of the snakes, we must be willing to get in the fight.

I believe a Christian who doesn’t vote is the same as Adam, who: (1) did not stomp [on] the snake when it first entered the garden, (2) stood by, like a coward, and allowed Eve to sin against God, and (3) was a wimp when his wife handed him the fruit, and he ate of it.

The Lord showed us we must fight biblical assaults when he overturned all the tables in the temple. As Christians, we MUST vote for those candidates that most closely fit with our biblical beliefs. Politicians are like churches; there is no perfect one, so we must seek the one that speaks to our faith.

Amendment 79 asks that all Christians pay to murder an innocent human being, that of an unborn baby. If you don’t vote “no” on 79, I believe you are an accessory to murder.

For every man who does not vote no, you are agreeing to pay for the abortion of a woman you didn’t even have sex with.

Complacency is a sin just like abortion; Adam was complacent about his duties to God and himself.

You may think your vote doesn’t count, and you’ll be right if you fail to exercise your Christian and civic duty by completing and turning in your ballot! 

Remember, Adam stood by and watched the world fall into sin, which forced God to send his only son to die for our sins. Don’t be an Adam. Be a Christ-like person (Christian) and vote.

Rev. Robert Babcox is the senior pastor at Orchard Mesa Baptist Church in Grand Junction.

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.