Overbeck: Will Americans vote for their own survival or choose Trump hatred?

By Joy Overbeck, Commentary | Town Hall

I have a bumper sticker on my car that asks, “Had enough? Vote Republican!” That’s really the critical question on which the presidential election hinges. Have voters had enough of crime, unsafe streets, high inflation, the erosion of their savings accounts, unaffordable gas, groceries and homes; have they had enough of the Democrats’ destruction of their way of life and pursuit of happiness?  Put another way, will voters take the rational route of voting for their self-interest and against the ruination of their happiness? Or will they ignore their family’s self-preservation and fall for the rabid pushers of orange man bad Trump Derangement Syndrome?

I ask because there’s a bizarre disconnect rearing its head a few weeks before election day.

The pollsters tell us that Harris and Trump are in a virtual tie in most states. But how can that be true when most polls also show Trump wiping Harris out on all the big issues that voters are concerned about? The people greatly favor him to take care of their problems, so why don’t they score him first as their presidential candidate? 


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