By BRIAN PORTER | Rocky Mountain Voice
A four-day snow event in Denver and areas east of the Continental Divide has done more than dump some badly-needed moisture on half the state.
It has greatly affected air travel.
As of Tuesday mid-morning, there have been 2,820 flights delayed and 250 flights canceled since the beginning of the snow event on Saturday, according to Flight Aware. There has been some amount of snow accumulation each day. The heaviest cancelation day was Sunday, with 106; the heaviest day for delays was Saturday, with 1,119.
Flight Aware breaks delays and cancelations related to an airport into outbound (departure) and inbound (arrival). There have been 113 outbound cancelations and 1,634 delayed outbound flights since Saturday.
The most affected carier was SkyWest, with 90 cancelations, followed by Southwest with 71 and United with 66.
Following is a glance at air travel delays and cancelations since Saturday at Denver International Airport:
Delays (total) — 2,820
Outbound — 1,634
Inbound — 1,192
Cancellations (total) — 250
Outbound — 113
Inbound — 137
Cancelations (by carrier):
SkyWest — 90
Southwest — 71
United — 66
Frontier — 14
American — 8
Air Canada — 1