Rep. Winter asks Coloradans to ‘get out to the stock show’ and see the state’s $47 billion industry

By BRIAN PORTER | Rocky Mountain Voice

A leading voice of agriculture in the Colorado House, Rep. Ty Winter reminded urban and rural legislators alike Tuesday of the National Western Stock Show in Denver.

“Its stock show week here in Denver,” said Winter, the assistant minority leader and representative for nine Southeastern Colorado counties.

The 119th edition of the National Western Stock Show runs through Jan. 26 with a variety of livestock exhibitions, rodeos and more.

“Please get out and see your ag producers,” said Winter, in an announcement from the floor of the House. “See what they do to make sure you have food on the table and clothes on your back.”

Among Winter’s district in Southern Colorado is Prowers County, which boasts $430 million in annual agricultural production to rank sixth in the state. The district also includes Baca, Crowley and Otero counties ranked among the top 15 in agricultural production.

The Colorado Department of Agriculture estimates the state has $47 billion in annual agricultural commodity value.

The weekend begins with national Hereford, Maine-Anjou and Shorthorn cattle shows on Friday, in addition to the junior market goat showmanship and junior wether doe goat show. Saturday’s lineup includes a junior Maine-Anjou cattle and junior market goat show, in addition to the national Charolais cattle show and the Simmental bull shows, among many other exhibitions. On Sunday, the junior Chianana/Chi-Angus cross cattle and Charolais cattle shows take place, along with other exhibitions.

“Get out to the stock show and cheer the kids on,” Winter said. “It’s a great event.”

See the full National Western Stock Show schedule here.

Immediately following the National Western Stock Show will be the Colorado Farm Show from Jan. 28-30 in Greeley.