Will Colorado’s cage-free egg law increase egg prices in the new year?

By Olivia Young | CBS Colorado

With the new year comes a new law in Colorado requiring all eggs sold in the state to come from a cage-free facility. This change has been in the works for the last couple of years.

Today, a carton of a dozen eggs in Colorado costs around $4. Three years ago, the national average was $1.79. Cage-free requirements can increase the cost of eggs, but that impact has probably already hit Coloradans’ wallets. The real culprit behind the high egg prices is a nationwide egg shortage.

In grocery stores across the country, it’s become a familiar sight: empty shelves and high prices for eggs.

“A couple of weeks ago, there weren’t any eggs on the shelf at all,” said Whole Foods shopper Christina Panczyk. “I bought them the other day. I think they were around $4 for a dozen.”