Alexis Hitzeroth challenging Cody Kennedy for District A on Grand Junction City Council

By Jen Schumann | Contributing Writer, Rocky Mountain Voice

Grand Junction voters on April 8 will choose between incumbent Cody Kennedy and Alexis Hitzeroth for the District A seat on City Council.

Kennedy, who served a 17-year career as a police officer and is now a small business owner, has served on the boards of Crime Stoppers of Mesa County, Grand Valley Resettlement Program among others. His primary issues are “compassionate” fiscal responsibility, affordable housing and public safety.

Hitzeroth served 13 years in the Army National Guard, earning the Outstanding Service Medal during Operation Enduring Freedom. She earned a degree in environmental science and performed watershed conservation work for the U.S. Geological Survey. Her platform focus is affordability, honoring Grand Junction’s heritage and saluting solutions-based service.

At a candidate forum hosted by the Grand Junction Area Realtors Association on Feb. 3, Kennedy and Hitzeroth shared their positions on key issues.

Housing and development

In a discussion pertaining to housing, Kennedy noted the city’s role in delaying development.

“One of the biggest barriers to building homes in our community is the city of Grand Junction’s planning department,” Kennedy said. “We should be better staffed. We should be streamlining the process. From the time [developers] made the decision to do this, to the time those houses are actually hitting the market, is a long time. And that’s really tough.”

Hitzeroth agreed that housing availability is a problem, but stressed the need for thoughtful development.

“The city needs to work on increasing stock. We need more houses and more affordable housing, so people who work here can live here,” she said. “We need to make sure permitting is streamlined — but also lower priced — that everything is fair and equitable, so developers can quickly move into the city and help build housing for the people that live here.”

Economic policy and city spending

On the subject of growth and city finances, Hitzeroth supports impact fees to ensure growth is managed properly.

“Impact fees are an important part of how we can make sure the city can grow in a sustainable way that doesn’t negatively impact businesses and residents,” she said. “But they need to be fairly and thoughtfully implemented.”

Kennedy has been critical of the city’s spending choices.

“I hear a lot about how development has to pay its own way, but I have yet to hear staff or Council say, ‘Hey, where can we save some money?’” Kennedy said. “Do we need a $5 million Whitman Park? Let’s not just scratch our taxpayers every chance we get.”

Vagrancy and public safety

Kennedy has taken a firm stance on the city’s handling of homeless services.

“It has not worked out well,” Kennedy said about the Resource Center. “I referred to it as a ‘crack house,’ because police officers observed 50 violations of open drug use in just three days.”

Hitzeroth focused on supporting vulnerable populations, particularly veterans.

“Being a veteran myself, I know there are probably a lot of unhoused veterans in this community,” she said. “We need to make sure they are getting the resources they need or access to the VA.”

Supporters and nominating petitions

Rocky Mountain Voice reached out to individuals who signed the nomination petitions for both candidates. While some agreed to go on the record, many declined to comment or did not respond. 

Those who responded provided insight into the candidates and issues at stake. 

Laurel Cole, a City Council candidate for District D and Habitat for Humanity executive director, says Kennedy stands out for his outreach and problem-solving.

“Over the last two years, Kennedy was the only City Council member that reached out to ask about how Habitat’s program works to understand how he could support its overall mission,” Cole said. “The fact that he took time to talk to us about our program, ask us what our barriers were and talk through potential solutions was really meaningful to me.”

Cole highlighted Kennedy’s dedication to affordable housing.

“It seems like he has a genuine interest in the things that he says he has an interest in, increasing the number of affordable housing units in our community,” she said. 

Reflecting on her interactions with Kennedy over the past two years, she said, “He always seems open to solutions and getting information. If he doesn’t know something about an issue, he doesn’t pretend he does. He goes and talks to stakeholders in the community, researches it, looks for information and takes the time before making a decision.”

Cole shared why she openly supports Kennedy as a fellow City Council candidate: “The reason I have no problem saying that I think he’s done a good job is he’s shown his willingness to do the work. He’s constantly in the community getting feedback, talking to stakeholders. And it’s very impressive the amount of personal time he puts into this position.”

Concerns about the Council’s responsiveness drove Cole to run.

“I have seen the frustration, and believe that together, we can help public feedback get through to City Council in a more meaningful way,” she said.  “I think Kennedy would be an excellent partner in getting voices heard. He’s shown so many times that he’s willing to talk to all the people, all the stakeholders — to see how decisions are impacting businesses. And I don’t mean he goes to five businesses. When I was walking around downtown, I think every single business mentioned he came in to ask them about the impact of Fourth and Fifth Street, and listened.”

Former Mesa County Commissioner and state legislator Steven Acquafresca also supported Kennedy.

“He not only asks a lot of questions, he asks good questions. And he’s willing to challenge the status quo and the majority,” Acquafresca said. “His willingness to strike out as a maverick councilman on behalf of his constituency, rather than going in the direction of everybody else, shows he is responsive.”

Former Mesa County Assessor Ken Brownlee voiced his support for Kennedy: “Cody and I are both in the Lions Club,” Brownlee said. “I think he’s shown himself as a bit of a conservative.”

Brownlee contrasted Kennedy’s approach with what he sees as concerning trends in city policies. “[They’ve] been the opposite of conservative — including Fourth and Fifth Street, which I would characterize as a solution looking for a problem.” He added, “Their ideas on affordable housing are outrageous.”

Hitzeroth’s petition included support from Homeward Bound board member Bill Wade and Councilman Randall Reitz. 

Wade emphasized that he signed Hitzeroth’s petition to ensure a contested race, rather than to make an endorsement.

“I signed in my personal capacity,” Wade said. “I think one of the things we need to do in local politics is ensure there are choices. I don’t think anyone should run unopposed — that’s my basic stance. People should have a choice in every race.”

Wade addressed potential concerns about conflicts of interest, given his civic engagement.

“I am simply on the board of directors. There’s a difference between the position I occupy in the nonprofit world and someone who might be the executive director of an organization receiving city funding,” Wade said. “I act only in an advisory capacity. But as I have done many times in my career, if there is a necessity for a discussion about whether my presence in a particular situation creates a conflict, I would recuse myself.”

Reitz clarified that his signature was about ensuring a competitive race.

“I just believe we should have competitive elections for every district,” Reitz said. “I have an opponent. I think it’s good that everybody has an opponent. Because that way we have competitive elections — it’s a competition for ideas.”

Reitz added, “I’m not making endorsements in this competition. I think Kennedy does a good job, also.”

Ethics and public transparency

Debate over transparency is also shaping the election. Several of Hitzeroth’s petition signers hold leadership roles in organizations that receive city funding for city projects, raising questions some have shared about perceived conflicts of interest.

State law requires public officials to disclose financial ties to organizations that receive city funding. No evidence suggests either candidate has failed to comply. 

Voters will ultimately decide whether the transparency of city affairs and candidate affiliations play a role in their choice.

What’s at stake?

The District A race will shape Grand Junction’s direction on housing, economic growth and city planning. 

Hitzeroth is running on a platform of inclusivity, careful planning and long-term sustainability.

Kennedy has positioned himself as a challenger to current policies, advocating for less bureaucracy and more financial restraint. 

The candidates’ nomination petitions are available for public review here:

Alexis Hitzeroth: 

Cody Kennedy: 

Learn more about each candidate and their platform by visiting their campaign websites:

Alexis Hitzeroth: 

Cody Kennedy: 

Election Day is April 8. Grand Junction residents are urged to learn about the candidates, weigh their choices and cast their vote.

Editor’s note: Rocky Mountain Voice redacted the addresses of nomination petition signers.