HB 1131, lifting cap on CSU veterinary students, among three bills in each chamber getting second readings Tuesday

By Brian Porter | Rocky Mountain Voice

A bipartisan bill aimed at lifting the artificial cap on students who may enroll in Colorado State’s veterinary program will get a second reading and potentially a preliminary vote on Tuesday, Feb. 11, in the Colorado House.

House Bill 25-1131, by Republican Rep. Dusty Johnson and Sen. Byron Pelton and joined by Democrat Rep. Andrew Boesenecker and Sen. Cathy Kipp, lifts the enrollment cap at a time when both small and large animal veterinarians are at a shortage throughout the state, especially in Eastern Colorado where two of the legislators represent.

The bill passed the House Education Committee on Feb. 6 with a rare 13-0 vote. The House convenes at 9 a.m.

The House will also hear second readings on two Democrat-led bills — HB 25-1010, a prohibition on “price gouging”, and HB 25-1041, the state’s “name, image and likeness” bill.

In the Senate, three bills will also receive a second reading, two of which have bipartisan support. Senate Bill 25-039 seeks to exempt agricultural buildings from certain energy use requirements, while also being heard will be HB 25-1033 related to third-party Medicaid liability payments and HB 25-1019 related to third-party administration of homeless programs overseen by the Division of Housing in the Department of Local Affairs. The Senate convenes at 9 a.m.

In the House Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee, HB 25-1127, by Republican Rep. Carlos Barron and Sen. Byron Pelton, will be heard. The bill would authorize roadway operation of surplus military vehicles if registered with the Department of Revenue. The Department of Motor Vehicles estimates there are 991 surplus military vehicles in the state, and about one-third would be registered. The House Transportation, Housing & Local Government Committee meets at 1:30 p.m.

The full schedule for both chambers is available at leg.colorado.gov.