By Michael A. Hancock | Guest Commentary, Rocky Mountain Voice
When political opponents are summoned not for conversation — but for execution.
By now, the script is all too familiar. A group of self-styled “concerned citizens” — usually bearing placards, hashtags, and an unshakable belief in their moral certitude — convenes a town hall. They claim to be opening a forum for “dialogue” with their congressional representative.
But the scene is less Lincoln-Douglas debate and more kangaroo court. Their goal? Not to converse but to corner. Not to listen, but to lambast. And when the lamb refuses to volunteer for the slaughter, the howling begins.
Such is the latest political scenario in the district of Congressman Gabe Evans, a conservative legislator whose greatest sin — according to local progressives — is winning an election in a democratic district and then voting according to the views of his constituency.
Progressives, unable to reconcile with the fact that they do not yet command a monopoly on political power or public opinion, have resorted to their favorite theater: staging outrage disguised as outreach.
They organized a town hall. They invited him. And when he declined to serve himself up for their public evisceration, they declared him cowardly, unaccountable, and — that most egregious of modern sins — “anti-democratic.”
Let’s be clear: Town halls are noble institutions and pillars of civic engagement.
But not when they are weaponized, when they become political ambushes in the guise of open forums, or when the only acceptable outcome is public contrition and ideological conversion.
What these activists wanted was not dialogue. They wanted a spectacle—one where the congressman plays the role of the booed villain in a morality play they scripted themselves.
But it seems Evans read the script and tossed it in the trash. He declined to attend and, in doing so, committed the unpardonable act of refusing to participate in his own ritual humiliation.
The hypocrisy here is striking — and emblematic of the progressive movement’s broader struggle with democratic pluralism.
These are the same people who scream “threat to democracy” whenever an election doesn’t go their way, yet are perfectly willing to torch the principles of civil discourse when it serves their ends.
They preach tolerance but practice exclusion. They champion empathy but deliver vitriol. They demand that others “show up,” but only to kneel.
Evans’ absence wasn’t an evasion of accountability but a quiet protest against farce. He represents a district that leans conservative — a fact his opponents seem eager to ignore. If they were genuinely interested in persuasion, they might have hosted a forum for mutual understanding rather than preloading it with condemnation.
But persuasion has long since given way to performative confrontation. For the modern progressive, it’s not enough to disagree with opponents. They must be dragged into the public square, stripped of nuance, and branded.
And then they wonder why no one shows up.
Let’s imagine, for a moment, that Congressman Evans had attended. Let’s say he stood calmly behind the podium, fielded hostile questions, and responded with principled restraint.
Do we believe for a moment that his critics would have said, “You know, I see his point”?
Of course not. They would have called him condescending. Smug. A peddler of “misinformation.” They would have edited his answers into TikToks to harvest outrage clicks before the following fundraising email went out.
Such behavior is the machinery of moral exhibitionism, not democratic deliberation.
That’s why progressives—despite commanding the heights of culture, media, and academia—often struggle to win over anyone not already inside the cathedral.
Democracy is not an echo chamber. It’s a cacophony. And it only functions when we allow room for differences — even, and especially, ones that offend our sensibilities.
Progressives love to invoke “speaking truth to power,” but they seem far less enthusiastic when power speaks back. Or, as in this case, refuses to play the part they wrote.
Congressman Evans is not obligated to dance on cue for his ideological adversaries. He is accountable to the voters — all of them — not just the loudest few. If progressives want to unseat him, they are welcome to do what the Constitution prescribes: win elections.
Until then, indignation remains a poor substitute for persuasion, and tantrums are no replacement for truth.
Michael A. Hancock is a retired high-tech executive, visionary, musician, and composer, exploring diverse interests—from religion and arts to politics and philosophy—offering thoughtful insights on the intersections of culture, innovation, and society.
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Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.