By Brian Porter | Rocky Mountain Voice
A bill which some gun advocates say would lead to extinction of their rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution is scheduled for a hearing Tuesday, March 11, in the House’s Judiciary Committee.
Senate Bill 25-003, led through the upper chamber by Sens. Julie Gonzales and Tom Sullivan, prohibits the transfer, sale and purchase of semiauto firearms with certain exclusions permitted to allow the bill to clear the Colorado Senate on a 19-15 vote, with all Republicans and three Democrats opposed.
At issue is whether, in the interest of stemming mass shootings in the state, if Coloradans should sacrifice constitutionally-provided gun ownership rights.
Sullivan says the measure works to enforce the “high-capacity magazine ban” from 2014, but others say it is the most extreme gun ban in the country.
“If we allow Colorado to overreach today, where does this stop,” Mesa County Republican Sen. Janice Rich said during debate in the upper chamber. “It does not disarm the criminals. It disarms the law-abiding citizens who follow these laws. This bill will not stop crime.”
While some gun owners contest the constitutionality of the bill, Sullivan responded, “We have lawyers, too, and our lawyers say it is constitutional.”
Many gun owners are concerned the bill not only focused on semiauto AR-model [Armalite] rifles, but on shotguns and pistols through its language.
“I believe Colorado is way off course with these gun-control measures,” said Weld County Sen. Scott Bright. “The right to bear arms is not just a privilege, but a constitutional guarantee.”
SB 3 will be the only measure debated Tuesday in the House’s Judiciary Committee, set for debate upon adjournment of the House in the Old State Library. The House has a lengthy agenda of bills set for second reading on the floor.
“Tomorrow is the day Colorado!,” the National Association of Gun Rights wrote in a Twitter/X post. “Radical gun grabbers are trying to force a mandatory gun owner registry and a Firearm Owner ID Card on us. We cannot let this stand.”
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners additionally posted an invite, along with NAGR, for 9 a.m. on the west steps of the capitol for a pro-gun rally.
“What started as an extreme gun ban is now a government-controlled gun owner registry disguised as a licensing scheme,” wrote Rep. Chris Richardson on X. “Expensive fees, mandatory training, fingerprinting and renewal every 5 years — just to exercise your constitutional right.”
The bill will be led through the House by Democrat Reps. Andrew Boesenecker and Meg Froelich.
“This is our Alamo!,” RMGO posted on X.