By The Business Times Staff | The Business Times
As we see it, the coming Grand Junction City Council election on April 8, 2025, provides some simple choices. Although in our fair city two problems tend to arise when it comes to our spring, City Council elections.
The first is always most glaring and in the past few elections has probably caused the citizens the most problems. And that’s most folks registered to vote simply don’t vote in City Council elections, which lately has ended with a bunch of “do-gooder” progressives getting elected to our City Council.
And while you can’t readily identify them by the (D) that should follow their names on the ballot – as City Council elections are “nonpartisan,” the second problem – you can tell them by the company they keep.
After the past several years of our City Council attempting to solve every problem it was never asked to solve or, worse, trying to solve every problem it was elected to address, usually poorly and wastefully and in the exact opposite way the majority of citizens were hoping, perhaps we should put the (R) or (D) after their names. This is especially true when council votes are tallied after another boondoggle has passed along “nonpartisan,” party lines.