Reckless e-scooter operators targeted by Denver Councilman, but police have only issued 9 citations since 2018

By Hannah Metzger | Westword

Did you know it is illegal to ride a standing electric scooter on the sidewalk in Denver? What about riding with multiple people on one scooter? Riding while intoxicated?

These prohibited behaviors can be observed daily in downtown Denver, but there are little to no repercussions for unlawful scooter riders.

Denver police have issued only nine citations for improper scooter usage since they hit the city in 2018, compared to over 18.3 million e-scooter trips in the city in that time frame, according to a review of Denver County Court records for citations involving scooter-adjacent violations. (Only nine reports identified the offending vehicle as an e-scooter, but another 52 reports did not specify whether the vehicle was a scooter, bicycle or e-bike; citations for the violations most commonly involved bicycles.)