Fremont County Commissioners against initiative that would prohibit hunting of mountain lions

By Carie Canterbury | Canon City Daily Record

During Tuesday’s meeting, the Fremont County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution opposing Colorado Ballot Initiative 91, which would prohibit the hunting of mountain lions.

The resolution states that “respectful and responsible hunting is a time-honored tradition in Colorado and it is the policy of the state of Colorado that the state’s wildlife and their environment are to be protected, preserved, enhanced, and managed for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the people of this state and its visitors.”

It goes on to read that “an unmanaged population of large predators will inevitably lead to increased human conflict, on both agricultural and residential lands” and “sapient citizens need look no further than the bloody and financially ruinous aftermath of gray wolf reintroduction on agricultural lands following the passage of Proposition 114 in 2020 to understand the folly of ballot-box biology.”