Problems piling up for local ballot measure banning slaughterhouses in Denver

By Sherrie Peif | Complete Colorado

With just weeks left before ballots go out in the mail, opposition to the Denver slaughterhouse ban ballot question is getting a hefty boost with the Denver Democrats joining other unlikely opponents airing their concerns over the issue and the filing of a significant campaign finance complaint against proponents of the measure.

The measure titled “Prohibition of Slaughterhouses” would outlaw “the construction, maintenance, or use of” any meat processing facilities in Denver beginning January 1, 2026, as well as “require the city to prioritize residents whose employment is affected by the ordinance in workforce training or employment assistance programs.”

Proponents of the measure say they are seeking an increase in consumption of plant-based protein sources, as well as pushing the claim that the livestock industry is a major contributor to climate change, though no explanation is provided as to how pushing existing meat processing outside of Denver city limits would reduce greenhouse gas emissions or lead to more vegetarian diets.