EDITORIAL: AG Weiser picks pot over Colorado’s kids

By The Gazette Editorial Board | SOURCE: THE GAZETTE

Big Marijuana is waging a war on Colorado’s children — just as Big Tobacco has done for generations.

High-potency concentrates are sold in nifty little packages and pre-loaded into disposable, battery-powered vape pens that can be concealed in a kid’s backpack or pocket. Then, they’re inhaled discreetly on the fly — maybe on the way to school — and tossed in the trash.

No dreadlocks; no billowing, acrid smoke; no joints the size of a rolled-up newspaper. This ain’t your grandpa’s Dead concert. This is today’s kids — perhaps even your kids — and the power-packed pot derivatives they’re using are getting them higher than ever.

Though technically off limits to minors, retail pot has played a pivotal role in undermining Colorado’s youths. Their mental health is in crisis; their lives are in greater jeopardy on our roadways amid soaring traffic crashes. Marijuana is a key factor in all of it.


Big Marijuana is waging a war on Colorado’s children — just as Big Tobacco has done for generations.