Migrants cost Sanctuary City schools $17.5 million, Colo taxpayers stuck with bill


Sanctuary City has thousands of new students this school year who are projected to cost Denver Public Schools an additional $17.5 million.

Hang onto your wallets PeakNation™  because state taxpayers are being asked to foot the bill for the additional costs above Denver school’s $1.3 billion annual budget this year.

Thanks to President Biden’s open asylum policy, the influx of migrant students in Denver has risen to almost 3,000 and continues to grow weekly.

Denver Public Schools is asking the state for a one-time adjustment in increased funding, which must be approved and funded by the state legislature, reports the Denver Post.

Denver schools are currently juggling some money already in the coffers, and the dip in enrollment from past years can take up some slack.

So how many more taxpayer dollars are needed to hire Spanish speaking teachers and provide other resources to migrant children as their parents wait years for an asylum hearing?

The Post didn’t report a price tag.

With more students arriving weekly, we suspect the cash register just keeps dinging.

Until Democrats get serious about reverting to the pre-Biden era of asylum seekers getting their status granted before they come to the U.S., this influx of the world’s impoverished citizenry will continue to overwhelm U.S. resources and what we can reasonably provide.

And beware of Democrat lip service by politicians claiming to support strong borders, but just wanting more money to keep processing the flood of job/welfare hunters who are falsely claiming asylum.

With asylum claims now backlogged by the millions, that door needs to be closed until cities are no longer in a crisis state.

The current state of affairs is not only hurting the U.S., it’s also putting at risk the real asylum seekers who are truly in need.