‘Sensitive spaces’ bill aims to ban guns in 19 locations in Colorado

By The Lobby

Colorado’s liberal Democrat-controlled legislature is once again targeting the Second Amendment rights of Coloradans. These lawmakers, many of whom were appointed rather than elected, seem determined to disarm law-abiding citizens while allowing criminals and migrants access to firearms.

The latest assault on the Second Amendment comes in the form of Senate Bill 24-131, introduced by Democrat Senator Sonya Jaquez Lewis.

The bill aims to ban firearms from 19 locations deemed “sensitive” spaces. These include public parks, community recreation centers, hospitals, sporting venues, bars, libraries, universities, voting centers, and government buildings.

Additionally, the bill seeks to prohibit individuals from carrying guns at events such as protests and rallies.


According to Sen. Jaquez Lewis, this proposed legislation is simply a matter of common sense. She argues that there needs to be a designation of where it is acceptable to have a firearm and where it is not. A designation that is not made in the U.S. Constitution or in the Second Amendment.

The failed argument being made by Sen. Jaquez Lewis fails to acknowledge the inherent rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and their loved ones.

While the bill does include exemptions for law enforcement officers, military personnel, security personnel, and those participating in organized college extracurricular activities, it still poses a significant threat to the Second Amendment rights of ordinary citizens. Guns would be banned at places of worship unless expressly allowed by the owners. Local governments would have the option to pass laws allowing firearms in government buildings.

The bill’s legislative declaration attempts to justify these restrictions by arguing that the state can regulate firearms without violating the Second Amendment, citing existing regulations in places like schools and public transportation facilities.

However, restricting law-abiding citizens from exercising their Constitutional Rights based on the presence of children or public gatherings sets a dangerous precedent.


One of the bill’s sponsors, Sen. Chris Kolker, claims that it is a response to the demands of constituents who are tired of mere thoughts and prayers in the face of gun violence. However, the proposed legislation fails to address the real issues at hand and instead infringes on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Coloradans should be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights without unnecessary restrictions imposed by an overreaching government. The safety and well-being of the people are important, but limiting the rights of individuals in public places is not the solution.

Law-abiding citizens should not be punished for the actions of criminals.