Sheriffs back bill on migrant law enforcement

By Rachel Saurer | KXRM-TV

(SOUTHERN COLORADO) — Sheriffs across Southern Colorado came together to address the growing immigration crisis in the state.

As of Thursday, Feb. 8, about 10 sheriffs have backed HB 24-1128, which would reverse two laws — HB 19-1124, and HB 23-1100, which prevent Colorado law enforcement agencies, such as the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (EPSO) and Teller County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO), from working with federal partners, such as U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE), to uphold the laws of the constitution, and collaborate efforts to arrest, detain and deport undocumented residents.

“The only federal agency the state of Colorado prevents me from working with is ICE. I ask the question, why is that?” said Sheriff Joe Roybal of El Paso County.