Devotional: What’s your priority in life, a destination or simply a dream?

By Drake Hunter | Guest Commentary

Have you stopped to ponder how your worldview shapes life? It’s a fascinating concept that provides insight into whether you’re on the right path.

Your worldview is a blend of your beliefs, influencing how you perceive things, interact with others, and even present yourself to the world. It’s a powerful force that determines destination.

As a Christian, I firmly believe that our destiny is to live with unwavering faith in the one true God — El Olam, trusting Him always. This eternal faith paves the way to our ultimate destiny (Psalms 33:11). It’s a beautiful and inspiring way to live for those who honestly Just Believe.

Authentic Christians center their lives around following Jesus Christ, who shows us the way to Truth. Jesus’ worldview is subjective and objective, rooted in the Word of God. Like Jesus, God provides us with two “books” – the figurative word of God, the book of Creation (objective), which is evident in His deeds (Romans 1:20), and the literal word of God (subjective), the Holy Bible – which is His instruction or athority for living (2 Peter 1:20-21).

Christians develop their worldview by studying and understanding these books, which enables us to reach our true destiny to avoid a false and hellish one.

It’s important to note destiny and dreams are two different things. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously proclaimed, “I have a dream!” which was a profound dream then and still is. However, his assassination was not part of that dream. As a sincere Christian, he likely saw it as his destiny – God’s plan for him to become a martyr for all ages and an everlasting inspiration to those who are oppressed. Just like Dr. King and you, I also have dreams. However, I prioritize and tend to my destiny daily, then my dreams in agreement with God, and never vice versa (Proverbs 29:18).

The question remains – how does one discover their destiny? Michael Guillen’s book “Believing is Seeing” offers an explanation using two tuning forks (pg. 217-222). The first tuning fork represents an individual and their dreams, while the second represents God’s destiny. When the first tuning fork is struck, it vibrates at a specific frequency. Similarly, striking the second tuning fork does the same at a different frequency. Initially, when both forks are struck, they do their own thing. However, if the first tuning fork is held still, the second one is hit and brought closer to the first; the first begins to vibrate with the second, getting in tune with it—the same with you and God.

To achieve one’s God-given dreams and destiny, it is crucial to be still and bring yourself closer to God to get in tune with Him, never the other way around (Psalm 37:7; Psalm 62:1; Isaiah 30:15).

Let’s take time today to ponder our worldview and cultivate it through Christ. There, let’s rest in it to be still in the Lord. This will get us in tune with God. From there, our dream is to attain the ability and strength to achieve our true purpose and destiny. All we need to do is “Just Believe”.

Drake Hunter is pastor of Elevating Life Church in Fort Morgan. He is an honorably retired Air Force senior non-commissioned officer, author and spiritual coach.

Editor’s note: Opinions expressed in commentary pieces are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management of the Rocky Mountain Voice, but even so we support the constitutional right of the author to express those opinions.