Dan Caplis Show

Dan must really like to talk. He’s both an award-winning trial lawyer and a radio talk show host. Since Dan has never shied away from a microphone or a good fight he’s also been a legal analyst for most of America’s top television networks and newspapers. Dan is the proud son of a Chicago cop and his mom was a legendary community activist and pro-life leader. Dan somehow won an Evans Scholarship and they shipped him out to Colorado where he was elected student body president and named National Evans Scholar Of The Year. Dan met and courageously (crazily?) proposed on-air to the stellar news anchor Aimee Sporer. Fortunately for everyone she said yes and they are about to celebrate 25 years of bliss. Thanks to Aimee they have two super-star kids, Joe and Caroline. Dan is pro-faith, pro-family, pro-life and anti everything bad.