Colorado reported to have highest share of ‘remote workers’ in US

By Spencer McKee | Out There Colorado

It’s no secret that ‘remote work’ has been taking off in popularity since the start of the pandemic, and more people are taking advantage of this lifestyle in Colorado than in any other state around the country.

According to a recent report from the US Career Institute, a whopping 37.34 percent of Coloradans work remotely at least one day a week – the highest percentage on a state-by-state basis nationwide. This compares to 11.93 percent of residents who work remote at least one day a week in Mississippi – the state with the fewest share of remote workers.

Work-from-home is said to save the average American 55 minutes of commuting time each day, with hybrid workers saving up to $6,000 per year on purchases like gas, food, and office clothes and fully remote workers saving up to $12,000.

Find the full report related to work-from-home here.